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Fox Hair
Fly Tying Fur
Fly Tying Feather
Temple Dog Hair
Rabbit Zonker Strips
Raccoon(Tanuki) Hair
Chinese Cock Feather
American Opossum Hair
Chinese Cashmere Goat Hair
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Nature white Fox Tail $20.00
10cmX10cm Nature Deer Body Hair Patch $6.00
Rusty Brown Deer Body Hair Patch $2.50
Olive Deer Body Hair Patch $2.50
Nature Deer Body Hair Patch $2.50
Chartreuse Deer Body Hair Patch $2.50
Black Deer Body Hair Patch $2.50
Whole Hare skin $8.00
Natue Brown Whole Deer Skin Body Hair $70.00
Red Fox Tail Fur $15.00
Nature White Chinese Kid Goat Hair Rug 50cmX100cm $160.00
2 Pcs Nature Raccoon tail $20.00
Nature Grey Coyote Tail For Fly Tying $10.00
Nature Color Coyote Mask $6.00
Grey Fox 'Mask $7.00
Red Fox 'Mask $7.00
Blue Fox 'Mask $7.00
White Fox 'Mask $7.00
Yellow Color Chinese Badger skin $75.00
Orange Color Chinese Badger skin $75.00
Bleach white Color Chinese Badger skin $75.00
Nature Color Chinese Badger skin Patch(10cmX10cm) $10.00
Nature Color Chinese Badger skin $70.00
Nature Color America Opossum Zonker Strips $25.00
Nature Color America Opossum Skin $25.00
10cmX 10cm Chinese Kid Goat Hair Patch $5.00
Nature White TD Fur Hair --Little Patch 10cmX10cm $30.00
6 Color Chinese Wild Boar Bristles For Fly Tying(30g/Package) $25.00
Nature Color Otter Whole Body Skin for fly tying $150.00
Long Hair Tibetan Sheep Hair Patch(5cmX5cm) $2.50
Orange Chinese Nutria skin $30.00
Orange Hare'Mask $3.00
Dark Purple Hare'Mask $3.00
Light Olive Hare'Mask $3.00
Chartreuse Hare'Mask $3.00
Royal Blue Hare'Mask $3.00
Pink Hare'Mask $3.00
Nature Brown Hare'Mask $3.00
Nature color chinese rabbit skin $10.00
Horse Mane Hair 10“-12” $80.00
Long hair chinese rabbit skin $25.00
Fly Tying Spike Guard Hair $5.00
Two Tone RabbitZonker Strips (Cross cut) $2.50
RabbitZonker Strips (single color-Cross cut) $2.00
Silky Bunnybou Strips $3.00
Mink Zonker strips $6.00
Coyote body hair $20.00
Nature Color Otter Body Hair Patch(5cmX5cm) $12.00
Sliver Fox Tail Fur $15.00
Shadow Fox Tail Fur--Two tone Color $40.00
Marble Fox Tail Fur $20.00
Shadow Fox Tail Fur $20.00
America Opossum Skin $30.00
Chinese Woodchuck Fur $40.00
Chinese Yak Hair $50.00
Chinese Kid Goat Hair $160.00
Chinese Cashmere Goat Hair $180.00
Chinese Wild Boar Bristles $180.00
Raccoon skin----White color with brown tip $160.00
Raccoon skin $150.00
TD Body Fur--Little package $30.00
TD--Nature white with black tip $200.00
Chinese Temple Dog Skin $200.00
Bucktail $50.00
Categories: Finn Raccoon Zonker Strip & Tails Squirrel Skin & Zonker Strips Chinese Mink & Sable Tail Chinese Wild Boar Bristles Chinese Porcupine Quills Chinese Woodchuck Fur Temple Dog Skin & Tail America Opossum Skin Chinese Kid Goat Hair Chinese Badger skin Muskrat skin & Strips Chinese Beaver Skin Cashmere Goat Skin Chinese Nutria Skin America Coyote Skin Chinese Yak Hair Icelandic Sheep Deer skin & Hair Fox'Mask & Tail Wolf skin & Tail Rabbit & Hare Horse Hair Otter Fur Bucktail Dyed Fur Sample Reference
Brands: Affable fur
Charet Hare'Mask Charet Hare'Mask
Dark Olive Hare'Mask Dark Olive Hare'Mask
Yellow Hare'Mask Yellow Hare'Mask
Light Purple Hare'Mask Light Purple Purple Hare'Mask
Black Hare'Mask Black Hare'Mask
Orange Hare'Mask Orange Purple Hare'Mask
Dark Purple Hare'Mask Dark Purple Hare'Mask
Chartreuse Hare'Mask Chartreuse Hare'Mask
Royal Blue Hare'Mask Royal Blue Hare'Mask
Pink Hare'Mask Pink Brown Hare'Mask
Light Olive Hare'Mask Light Olive Hare'Mask
Nature Brown Hare'Mask Nature Brown Hare'Mask
6 Color Chinese Wild Boar Bristles For Fly Tying(30g/Package) 6 Color Chinese Wild Boar Bristles For Fly Tying(30g/Package)
Horse Mane Hair 10“-12” Hair from the mane of the horse is also desired and can used for bodies on small nymphs and midges to mention a few variety of applications. The fibers are strong with a resplendent sheen.
Black Horse Mane Hair(Hair lenght:12"-14") Black Horse Mane Hair(Hair lenght:12"-14")
Nature white Horse Mane Hair(Hair length:12"-14") Nature white Horse Mane Hair(Hair length:12"-14")
Nature Red Tanned Whole Squirrel skin Nature Red Whole Squirrel skin
Nature color chinese rabbit skin
Long hair chinese rabbit skin
Fly Tying Spike Guard Hair
Two Tone RabbitZonker Strips (Cross cut)
RabbitZonker Strips (single color-Cross cut)
Silky Bunnybou Strips
Mink tail
Mink Zonker strips
Nature Grey Coyote Tail For Fly Tying
Nature Color Coyote Mask
Nature Color Otter Whole Body Skin for fly tying Nature Color Otter Whole Body Skin for fly tying
Nature Color Otter Body Hair Patch(5cmX5cm)
Grey Fox 'Mask Nature Grey Fox 'Mask
Red Fox 'Mask Nature Red Fox 'Mask
Blue Fox 'Mask Nature blue Fox 'Mask
White Fox 'Mask White Fox 'Mask
Fox 'Mask
Shadow Fox Tail Fur--Two tone Color
Marble Fox Tail Fur
Marble Fox Tail Fur---Nature
America Opossum Skin --Black Barred for any color
America Opossum Skin --Two Tone Color
Nature Color America Opossum Zonker Strips Nature Color America Opossum Zonker Strips
Nature Color America Opossum Skin Nature Color America Opossum Skin
America Opossum Skin
Chinese Woodchuck Fur
Chinese Nutria Fur Patch
Orange Chinese Nutria skin
Olive Chinese Nutria skin
Nature Brown Chinese Bever skin Nature Brown Chinese Bever skin
Nature Brown Chinese Nutria skin
Chinese Yak Hair
Nature White Chinese Kid Goat Hair Rug 50cmX100cm Nature White Chinese Kid Goat Hair Rug 50cmX100cm
10cmX 10cm Chinese Kid Goat Hair Patch 10cmX 10cm Chinese Kid Goat Hair Patch
Chinese Kid Goat Hair
Chinese Cashmere Goat Hair---yellow with black bar Great, long, natural fibers used in tube flies and streamer patterns such as the Scandinavian Sunray Shadow and others.
Chinese Wild Boar Bristles--Dyed color Boar Bristles are predominately white boar with black patches. The bristles are finer than wild boar and have a gentle curve. The dye color is also more intense as it is dyed on pelts that are predominately white.The under fur is also used by many as body material.
Chinese Cashmere Goat Hair----white,red and brown Great, long, natural fibers used in tube flies and streamer patterns such as the Scandinavian Sunray Shadow and others.
Chinese Wild Boar Bristles--nature dark brown with brown tip Boar Bristles are predominately white boar with black patches. The bristles are finer than wild boar and have a gentle curve. The dye color is also more intense as it is dyed on pelts that are predominately white.The under fur is also used by many as body material.
Chinese Cashmere Goat Hair Great, long, natural fibers used in tube flies and streamer patterns such as the Scandinavian Sunray Shadow and others.
Chinese Wild Boar Bristles--nature dark brown Boar Bristles are predominately white boar with black patches. The bristles are finer than wild boar and have a gentle curve. The dye color is also more intense as it is dyed on pelts that are predominately white.The under fur is also used by many as body material.
Chinese Wild Boar Bristles Boar Bristles are predominately white boar with black patches. The bristles are finer than wild boar and have a gentle curve. The dye color is also more intense as it is dyed on pelts that are predominately white.The under fur is also used by many as body material.
1/8 Nature Color Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Raccoon skin Finn Raccoon Body Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
Bucktail Bucktail Pieces is a must-have for all fly tyers! This collection of fly tying hair includes some of most popular, eye-catching color. Bucktail tying hair is great for fly tying patterns like streamers, deceivers and all saltwater flies. Don't be caught without this fly tying material! Bucktail tying hair should be in every tyer's arsenal of supplies.
1/8Olive Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Raccoon skin----Dyed color Finn Raccoon Body Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
TD--Hot orange Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
Chinese Temple Dog Skin Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
1/8 Brown Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Raccoon skin----Dyed color with black tip Finn Raccoon Body Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
TD--Nature brown without head ,tail and paw Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
1/8Orange Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Raccoon skin----White color with brown tip Finn Raccoon Body Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
TD--Nature white with black tip Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
1/8 Black Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
10cmX10cm Nature Deer Body Hair Patch
Nature White TD Fur Hair --Little Patch 10cmX10cm Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
Black TD Fur Hair --Little Patch 10cmX10cm Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
Raccoon skin----Nature brown Finn Raccoon Body Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
1/8Chartreuse Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Rusty Brown Deer Body Hair Patch
American raccoon Tail----Nature dark brown American raccoon body fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
American raccoon skin----Nature dark brown American raccoon body fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
TD Body Fur--Little package Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
1/8Red Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Olive Deer Body Hair Patch
2 Pcs Nature Raccoon tail Finn Raccoon Tail Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
Raccoon tail----Nature Brown Finn Raccoon Tail Fur is an often used material in tube flies. The soft flowing hair makes fantastic flowing wings. Available in a wide variety of colors.
TD tail--Nature brown and black Temple dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
1/8Yellow Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Nature Deer Body Hair Patch
1/8Fuchsine Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Chartreuse Deer Body Hair Patch
1/8Rust Brown Squirrel Whole Skin Strips
Black Deer Body Hair Patch
Whole Hare skin Charet Hare'Mask
Nature Color Chinese Badger skin Patch(10cmX10cm) Nature Color Chinese Badger skin Patch(5cmX5cm)
Nature white Fox Tail
Natue Brown Whole Deer Skin Body Hair Natue Brown Whole Deer Skin Body Hair
Red Fox Tail Fur Red Fox Tail Fur
Gray Fox Body Fur--whole skin
Yellow Color Chinese Badger skin Yellow Color Chinese Badger skin
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